Surviving High School Computer Game

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Columbine High School massacre Wikipedia. The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 2. Api 610 11Th Edition. Columbine High School in Columbine,34 an unincorporated area of Jefferson County in the American state of Colorado. Mount Carmel High School is an all boys, Catholic high school in the city of Chicago. Located in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, the school has been. Kevin Spacey draws outrage with response to Star Trek actors sexual misconduct allegations Patriots hold off Chargers for fourthstraight win, AFCbest 62 mark. High School Scholarships. So, youre a high school student and youre in the process of finding scholarships to help pay for school your freshman year of college. Surviving High School Computer Game' title='Surviving High School Computer Game' />In addition to the shootings, the complex and highly planned attack involved a fire bomb to divert firefighters, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 9. The perpetrators, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 1. They injured 2. 1 additional people, and three more were injured while attempting to escape the school. The pair subsequently committed suicide. Although their precise motives remain unclear, the personal journals of the perpetrators document that they wished their actions to rival the Oklahoma City bombing and other deadly incidents in the United States in the 1. The attack has been referred to by USA Today as a suicidal attack that was planned as a grandif badly implementedterrorist bombing. The massacre has been reported as the deadliest high school shooting in U. S. history. 8The massacre sparked debate over gun control laws, high school cliques, subcultures, and bullying. It resulted in an increased emphasis on school security with zero tolerance policies,91. Internet use,1. 3 and violence in video games. Preliminary activities and intent. In 1. 99. 6, Eric Harris created a private website on America Online. Surviving High School Computer Game' title='Surviving High School Computer Game' />Amanda was a 15yearold student at Columbine High School when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered 12 students and a teacher there. And since saying that America. Back in June when Paul Parilla, the board chair of USA Gymnastics, was being deposed for one of the many lawsuits filed against the sports federation by victims of. Harris initially created the site to host gaming levels he and his friend, Dylan Klebold, created for use in the video game Doom, primarily for friends. On this site, Harris began a blog, which included jokes and short journal entries with thoughts on parents, school, and friends. By the end of the year, the site contained instructions on how to cause mischief, as well as instructions on how to make explosives, and blogs in which he described the trouble he and Klebold were causing. Beginning in early 1. Harriss ever growing anger against society. Harriss site attracted few visitors, and caused no concern until March 1. Klebold gave the web address to Brooks Brown, a former friend of Harris. Browns mother had filed numerous complaints with the Jefferson County Sheriffs office concerning Harris, as she thought he was dangerous. The website contained numerous death threats directed against Brown Klebold knew that if Brooks accessed the address, he would discover the content and inform his parents, and likely the authorities would be notified. After Browns parents viewed the site, they contacted the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office. The investigator Michael Guerra was told about the website. When he accessed it, Guerra discovered numerous violent threats directed against the students and teachers of Columbine High School. Other material included blurbs that Harris had written about his general hatred of society, and his desire to kill those who annoyed him. Harris had noted on his site that he had made pipe bombs, in addition to a hit list of individuals he did not post any plan on how he intended to attack targets. As Harris had posted on his website that he possessed explosives, Guerra wrote a draft affidavit, requesting a search warrant of the Harris household. The affidavit also mentioned a suspicion of Harris being involved in an unsolved pipe bomb case in February 1. The affidavit was never filed. It was concealed by the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office and not revealed until September 2. TV show 6. 0 Minutes. After the revelation about the affidavit, a series of grand jury investigations were begun into the cover up activities of Jefferson County officials. The investigation revealed that high ranking county officials had met a few days after the massacre to discuss the release of the affidavit to the public. It was decided that because the affidavits contents lacked the necessary probable cause to have supported the issuance of a search warrant for the Harris household by a judge, it would be best not to disclose the affidavits existence at an upcoming press conference, although the actual conversations and points of discussion were never revealed to anyone other than the grand jury members. Mstsc Exe Admin Command. Following the press conference, the original Guerra documents disappeared. In September 1. 99. Jefferson County investigator failed to find the documents during a secret search of the countys computer system. A second attempt in late 2. Jefferson County archives. The documents were reconstructed and released to the public in September 2. The final grand jury investigation was released in September 2. On January 3. 0, 1. Harris and Klebold stole tools and other equipment from a van parked near the city of Littleton. Both youths were arrested and subsequently attended a joint court hearing, where they pleaded guilty to the felony theft. The judge sentenced the duo to attend a juvenile diversion program. There, both boys attended mandated classes and talked with diversion officers. Stage Plot Maker Serial. One of their classes taught anger management. Harris also began attending therapy classes with a psychologist. Klebold had a history of drinking and had failed a dilute urine test, but neither he nor Harris attended any substance abuse classes. Harris and Klebold were eventually released from diversion several weeks early because of positive actions in the program 1. Shortly after Harris and Klebolds court hearing, Harriss online blog disappeared. His website was reverted to its original purpose of posting user created levels of Doom. Harris began to write in a journal, in which he recorded his thoughts and plans. In April 1. 99. 8,2. Harris wrote a letter of apology to the owner of the van. However, around the same time, he furiously derided him in his journal, stating that he believed himself to have the right to steal something if he wanted to. Harris continued his scheduled meetings with his psychologist until a few months before he and Klebold committed the Columbine High School massacre. Harris dedicated a section of his website to posting content regarding his and Klebolds progress in their collection of guns and building of bombs they subsequently used both in attacking students at their school. After the website was made public, AOL permanently deleted it from its servers. Medication. In one scheduled meeting with his appointed psychiatrist, Harris had complained of depression, anger, and suicidal thoughts. As a result, he was prescribed the anti depressant Zoloft. He complained of feeling restless and having trouble concentrating in April, his doctor switched him to Luvox, a similar anti depressant drug. Journals and videos. Harris and Klebold both began keeping journals soon after their 1. In these journals, the pair documented their arsenal with video tapes they kept secret. Their journals documented their plan for a major bombing to rival that of the Oklahoma City bombing. Their entries contained blurbs about ways to escape to Mexico, hijacking an aircraft at Denver International Airport and crashing it into a building in New York City foreshadowing the September 1. The pair hoped that, after detonating their home made explosives in the cafeteria at the busiest time of day, killing hundreds of students,2. Then, as police vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks, and reporters came to the school, bombs set in the boys cars would detonate, killing these emergency and other personnel. That did not happen, since these explosives did not detonate.